IKV says goodbye to guest researcher Prof. Dr. Jian Wang

After two years of successful research work at the IKV, the guest researcher from China is returning to the Beijing University of Chemical Technology.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Hopmann thanked Prof. Dr. Jian Wang for the excellent cooperation over the past two years. Picture: IKV

After two years as a guest scientist at the institute, the IKV bid farewell to Prof. Dr. Jian Wang this week. Professor Wang said goodbye to his colleagues in Aachen with a final lecture in front of the auditorium of the IKV's scientific staff, in which he gave a comprehensive insight into the topic he was researching and his results. He will return to the Beijing University of Chemical Technology at the end of June.

Since April 2018, Professor Wang has been an enrichment to IKV as a guest researcher. At the Laboratory of Polymer Processing and Advanced Manufacturing he had already specialised in the processing of polymer-based composites, new technologies for injection moulding and extrusion, and computer-aided numerical simulation. In July 2017, Professor Wang was granted the Humboldt Research Fellowship for experienced scientists, which was used to sponsor him during his stay in Germany.

Research on modelling the pvT behaviour of polymers

During his time at IKV, Prof. Wang worked on the development of pvT models that describe the state of plastics during processing. In this context the "Continuous two-domain pvT-model" was developed. The model is particularly suitable for injection moulding simulations, because it can describe the pvT behavior of the liquid and solid phase at the solidification temperature. He also dealt with the solidification process oåf polymers by means of empirical models.

For the development of the "Continuous two-domain pvT model" Prof. Wang carried out extensive series of measurements at the IKV and generated valuable knowledge in the field of measurement technology and material behaviour at different cooling rates. The approaches he researched are currently being further developed and applied in the subprojects B3 and B4 of the SFB 1120 "Component Precision by Controlling Melt and Solidification in Production Processes". It is planned to use the model at the IKV in thermal simulations in the future.

IKV would like to thank Prof. Wang for his excellent and uncomplicated cooperation and hopes that the connection to China and the exchange with researchers at Beijing University will continue in the future. 

Contact person for questions

Dipl.-Ing. Mauritius Schmitz
Tel.: +49 241 80-93881