Joining technology receives new ultrasonic welding system

Herrmann Ultraschalltechnik GmbH & Co.KG from Karlsbad provided the welding laboratory at IKV with a new ultrasonic welding system of the type HiQ Dialog 20/6200.

The HiQ Dialog 20/6200 ultrasonic welding system extends the system technology in the welding laboratory and is particularly suitable for demanding applications. | Photo: IKV

The force profiling with four welding forces is particularly suitable for demanding applications. 1000 welding part memories store 300 welds each including all graphics and offer interesting approaches for the research area.

The donation supports the institute in the continuous renewal of its system technology and will be used for research activities, inquiries from industry and for the training of future engineers. IKV would like to thank Herrmann Ultraschall for this upgrade of the laboratory equipment.