Establishment of the Plastics Innovation Center 4.0
By establishing the Plastics Innovation Center 4.0 (PIC4.0) until 2022, a completely digitized research environment is build up at Campus Melaten to conduct comprehensive research on digitization in production and the respective necessary infrastructure. The Smart Factory enables IKV to analyze correlations in interconnected value chains data-based and provide methods of digitization for practical use. The PIC4.0 thus offers the potential to open up new research areas of digitization and demonstrate holistic approaches for industry support.
During physical construction, the project is accompanied by extensive research and development for preparing the new infrastructure for the intended application. In digital engineering, part and process design are virtually modeled by seamless interconnection of simulation from the first part requirements to its final quality. The virtual process models are tested directly in the PIC4.0 technology center and improved by reintroduction of real process data. Furthermore, IKV evaluates complex industrial use cases of interconnected production processes in the field Complex Value Chain and develops solutions for introducing heterogeneous machines to the digital infrastructure. Finally, IKV focuses on the industry-oriented technology transfer of conceptual research results from the Cluster of Excellence Internet of Production to enable companies to experience the reference architecture and to find an independent partner for generating benefits from real production data they can offer.
The project is funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the European Fund for Regional Development and is supported by a large Innovation Advisory Board with scientific and industrial partners.